
Saturday guided tour of the exhibition

Saturday / 18.12.2021 /  11:00am  @KIBLA PORTAL

In the months of October, November and December, we are preparing Saturday guided tours of the international group exhibition of the festival of art, technology and science, KIBLIX 2020–2021: Virtual Worlds Now. The exhibition is rounded off by 18 artistic works by internationally renowned artists. The co-curator of the festival, Živa Kleindienst will take you on a journey through the KIBLIX exhibition.

Applications are accepted until the vacancies are filled at:

Admission is free. You can view the exhibition in accordance with the RVC protocol and the NIPH recommendations.

KIBLA PORTAL, Valvasorjeva 40, 2nd floor, Maribor.
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, from 3 to 5 p.m. or by prior appointment (