DI (FH) Anika Kronberger, MA., is a designer, content strategist, and lecturer. Her work includes research, ideation, interaction design, user experience design, exhibition design, visual design, and content strategy. Her clients come from the fields of art and culture, museums, education, and non-profit organizations. Recently she was involved in the design and development of a large-scale mixed reality project at the CoSA (Center of Science Activities) in Graz, Austria. Over 2600 square feet of the science center are dedicated to a storytelling-based use of augmented reality for a young audience from twelve years up – the A(R)dventure. Anika Kronberger is also a researcher and lecturer at the FH JOANNEUM at the Institute of Design and Communication in Graz. Her research interests and areas of activity include information design in media production and interactive spaces, user experience design, content strategy, and mixed reality environments. For several years she has been part of the working team of Aktuelle Kunst in Graz, an association of contemporary art institutions in Graz. She is a member of the art and technology collective monochrom and co-host of the artist-run workspace Atelier Schillerstrasse in Graz.