Dr. Kaja Antlej is a Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design and a researcher in the field of museums and heritage at the CADET Laboratory for Virtual Reality at the School of Engineering at Deakin University in Australia. In 2008 she graduated from the University of Ljubljana with a degree in Industrial Design and completed her PhD in Heritology (Museum and Heritage Studies) as a young researcher in Economics in 2013. After her studies, she was a volunteer in Morocco for almost a year at EVS (European Voluntary Service) and participated in the European Entrepreneurship program (PVSP). In 2015 she received a prestigious postdoctoral Endeavor fellowship from the Australian government, enabling her to research 3D technologies for communicating the culinary heritage of Slovenes in Australia at the University of Canberra. Dr. Antlej has participated in several European projects such as eCultValue and ViMM; between 2015 and 2016, she was one of the NMC Horizon Report – Museum Edition expert group members. She is one of the founding members and president of the Slovenian Australian Academic Association – SAAA, an ICOM member as well as a member of AAM, AMaGA, Interpret Europe, and ISU (SHSSP21).