Suzana Brborović and Lucijan Prelog
There is something caught in here
The link to the virtual exhibition here.
The exhibition There is something caught in here presents a dialogue between entirely new works by Suzana Brborović and works from the series Gods en Vogue by Lucijan Prelog. The works were created in the same studio, as the painters have been sharing an art studio in Leipzig, Germany, for the last five years. In the art space KiBela, they are co-positioned as manifestations of two artistic languages, formed, developed, and created simultaneously in the shared space. The loose conceptual framework subtly directs the viewer’s gaze of the exhibited works in dialogue, where questions of the relationship between these two visual languages, their connections, similarities, and differences arise. At the same time, this looseness of the conceptual basis puts the viewer in an active and critical attitude towards artwork, both at the individual work level and the rounded whole. It allows free perception, recall, and thinking, which is always conditioned by the individual’s behavior and experience and, all in all, gallery space.