Igor Štromajer: 3ixFń-Qé3= = Miá + Algorithmic and procedurally generated poetry workshop
The workshop is of a practical nature, which means that the emphasis is on the participants’ practical work. A short introduction to the workshop includes information on the history and development of automated author writing and machines in general. It provides participants with an insight into the prehistory of algorithmic poetry and procedural art writing.
The workshop’s central part is a practical demonstration of the operation of computer algorithms with an emphasis on those that are, even modified, suitable for literature and literary creation. Participants first learn computer and programming basics, then engage in practical work, various programming methods, combining, selecting, and composing algorithmic poetry. The second part focuses on procedurally generated computer poetry, the use of a variety of technologies, formats, word processors, applications, and other software and web tools available to create this type of literature. During the workshop, the participants prepare their own short or long attempts at algorithmic or procedurally-generated poetry, which we then discuss together, try to evaluate, and put into context. This workshop is the most extended, most practical, and at the same time the most personal part of the workshop, as it presupposes individual treatment with the participation of all participants.
In conclusion, we also review some practical examples of world-renowned authors of this kind of literature, especially poetry, and we also have some excellent examples in Slovenia.
No computer or programming knowledge is required to participate in the workshop; only a computer, an Internet connection, any browser, and any text editor are enough. The workshops consist of two meetings, each lasting two hours, and will take place through the online platform ZOOM. Applications are open until 5 March at irena.boric@kibla.org. Participation is free of charge.
9 March 2021, ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/92241813532