XR Technologies in Museums and Heritage: from Augmented and Mixed to Virtual Reality
The sixth in the series of moderated panel discussions of the KIBLIX festival focused on the future of museum and heritage experiences in the Covid-safe society. How do museums and heritage institutions deal with the digital transformation? In what direction is technology evolving? Guests shared their experiences from the fields of museum and heritage studies, as well as gamification and storytelling through examples of extended reality (XR) experiences.
Moderator: dr. Kaja Antlej, senior lecturer in industrial design and a researcher in the field of museums and heritage at the CADET Laboratory for Virtual Reality at the School of Engineering at Deakin University in Australia
Guest speakers:
dr. Darko Babić, assistant professor at Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management, Faculty of Arts, University of Zagreb, Croatia
DI (FH) Anika Kronberger, MA, designer, content strategist, lecturer, and Head of the Major Interaction Design, FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria
prof. dr. Sylvester Arnab, professor of Game Science, Disruptive Media Learning Lab; Associate of the Centre for Post-digital Cultures, Coventry University, UK
Adam Caplan, Director of Strategic Partnerships, BadVR Inc. Los Angeles, US